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Calling me woke is a compliment

QAnon morons claim to be awake and yet they hate people who are woke. I think they forgot the meaning. Calling me woke is a compliment #qanon #qanonmorons #woke

That's who I am. It's not easy to see it, but it's there. A dot amidst the vastness of the void. Afloat within the confines of the cosmic spiral of time and space. That is me. A single grain of salt in a cosmic, endlessly-expanding (thanks, dark energy and dark matter) ocean of nothing.

They have no interest in facts

#dragqueens #cheerleaders #dragqueensdontsexualizeyourchildren #2slgbtqiplus #bigotry This isn't about sexualizing children. Its about bigotry against the 2slgbtqi+ community as a whole. You can show them the stats and they will still not see things differently. They have no interest in facts.

প্রত্যেকটা ঘটনা ভিন্ন অভিজ্ঞতার সৃষ্টি করে। কিছু অভিজ্ঞতা মানুষের জীবনে কখনও না আসুক। যেমন সন্তান হারানো, ভাইবোন হারানো ইত্যাদি। যদি সম্ভব হত! বাবা, মা কে কখনও হারানো লাগত না! তবে সে দোয়াও করতাম।