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Arto Koistinen reshared this.

""In that familiar old incompetence I haven't missed, Trump's executive order defines sex as what a person is at CONCEPTION. Fetal sex doesn't begin to differentiate until about 7 weeks into gestation. Which means Donald used the highest office in the land to declare all Americans legally female."

"Just realized that this EO outlaws men. At conception, all embryos are female. Which, to be honest, might not be such a bad thing," said legal analyst Jay Reding. "…

in reply to Sue Stone

Since it seems someone failed to run that executive order past any biologists who could clue them in, let's use she/her to refer to Donald J. Trump until she (a) admits they made a mistake and (b) rescinds that silly executive order. Since she seems to be incapable of admitting that she ever made a mistake, I guess we can use feminine pronouns to refer to Trump for the rest of her life. That should really annoy her if done on a large enough scale. Please boost.

!New To Friendica

Is it possible to change the profile picture after the initial sign up?

skribe reshared this.

in reply to Arto Koistinen

Yes, you can go to Photos (from the menu in the top-right)
Then click a photo (or first upload one by clicking the +)

When you clicked the photo you will see an icon for setting the photo as profile picture.

Creating groups?

I'm trying to find how to create a group on Friendica. According to the docs, it should be under the "Contacts" tab, but I'm not seeing it there.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

in reply to Arto Koistinen

Perhaps you need to check the settings "Settings" → "Account" → "Security and privacy" → {"Publish your profile in local site directory?", "Allow your profile to be searchable globally?"}? (I haven't tested this at all myself, just a (probably misguided) attempt at being helpful. 😀

Arto Koistinen reshared this.

Minusta tämä “virallinen päivä” WhatsAppista Signaliin siirtymiseen on tosi hyvä idea. Kollektiivinen toiminta on aika paljon helpompaa ja kivuttomampaa kuin, että jokainen yksinään ottaa harteilleen systeemisiä ongelmia.…

Now that Zuckerberg has blown the Trumpet, @sylv_a has suggested date to tell our friends to switch from WhatsApp to Signal. With cool graphics.

(thanks @sylv_a)

Arto Koistinen reshared this.

in reply to nen

Käytin aikaisemmin Signalia, mutta luovuin siitä kun lähisuku ja tutut käyttivät enemmän Whatsappia, eikä yrityksistä huolimatta innostuneet Signalista, koska kaikki käyttivät WA:ta. Samoin Messenger on kahden sisareni käytössä, jotka eivät asu suomessa. He eivät vaihda palvelua, koska eivät ole mitenkään halukkaita muuttamaan mitään, siksi etteivät osaa, ja siksi etteivät ole kiinnostuneita poliittisista tarkoituksista.

Arto Koistinen reshared this.

Synkeä bingo vuosille 2025–2028 💀

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Arto Koistinen reshared this.

in reply to nen

Synkeä bingo vuosille 2025–2028 💀

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in reply to nen

Synkeä bingo vuosille 2025–2028 💀

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nen reshared this.