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I'm really excited about the potential of using Friendica to replace facebook, but atm there's an issue with federating with other activitypub instances and I can't start trying to bring people across to here if or if they can't interact with other people in the fediverse (or bluesky via bridgy). It's making me anxious! Should I try another friendica instance? Any friendica people able to share more info about the different friendica instances?
in reply to Cătă

Thanks for that, appreciate it. At the moment it's not just bridgy (I see my bluesky posts turn up here), it's federating out to any other instances (mastodon instance even). For example If I post on mastodon or bluesky, it turns up here ( fine. ut my posts here don't turn up on mastodon. My mastodon user is following my friendica user, and vice versa. But just nothing turns up on mastodon. Apparently there is an issue they are working on atm. But I'm keen to see if there are any other friendica instances that are reliable.

The other thing that occurred to me is maybe there's a lot of new users fronting up on, refugees from facebook or x, and they will eventually ramp up the resources and sort the problem. So it's probably just temporary. Just unfortunate timing for me. And if I'm going to try and onboard my friends to friendica, I'd be wanting to do it on an instance on which federation is working properly.

in reply to Max Riethmuller

@Max Riethmuller hmm, maybe try some of the other instances with open signups from the Friendica's own directory, (map also available) or FediDB. I would have recommended my instance or, which are over 10 years old afaik, but they're currently closed for signups.

This post is a test of using Friendica through Tusky...

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The irony of banning China for using it's carmakers to spy on drivers, when US carmakers spy on drivers.

Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer's cars. GM sharing driver behaviour without explicit consent with insurers resulting in hikes in insurance premiums for some drivers. Etc etc.…

'The birds are back.' Resilience in the ruins of the Palisades fire

Will Rogers State Historic Park is a vast stretch of natural space in the Santa Monica Mountains. It's a treasure to Angelenos. People get married there, picnic there, and have kids' birthday parties on the great lawn.

The park's namesake, Will Rogers, was a vaudeville performer, radio and movie star, and was known as America's "cowboy philosopher."

His nearly century-old ranch house is the park's centerpiece. It's survived a near miss with wildfire before. Last week, as firestorm engulfed large parts of Los Angeles, this piece of American history was reduced to rubble.

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#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

in reply to Sunshine

@Sunshine add Hubzilla and Streams to the mix for more bruises and blood.

Edit: my God, I just remembered! my comment contains the word "blood" in it, can you imagine? 😱😱 That means I would have been banned on it by the automod on Facebook for gore and violence. All while not caring about actual violence and gore reported by the users themselves.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Cătă

And your comment got an "Filtered word: gore [reveal/hide]" toggle, because I added that filter myself! 😅
(I should add "violence" to it, as well.)

So ... the filter works fine for text, and I just had to click the toggle to reveal its content, but what are the chances of people sharing pictures actually tagging their posts correctly? 🤔
(It says "filtered word", but does it auto-tag pictures as well? ... aaand I don't really want to "try" that one out.)


02/10/16 - The first IG post I ever made was a shot of some Cumbia 7" singles. ('Fat stack of cumbia ready to be spun this afternoon #disocfuenteslabel')

I was planning to spin them at a local BYO vinyl afternoon session. I'd bought a handful of singles from someone in Venezuela (I think), and they were all fantastic.

I'd got into Cumbia in the eighties, when I'd been walking through Camden Market and heard the tune off the coffee advert (La Colegiala), and picked up a Discos Fuentes compilation tape as a result.

Years later, on the radio show, we used to play a lot of the electronic stuff, including that made by Melbourne's Cumbia Cosmonauts and we had a fantastic afternoon at one of their parties once. Never really understood why Cumbia doesn't have the reach of, say, Ska, in the anglosphere - not being sung in English, I suppose.

This is what anti-woke means. From Salon: Facebook users still cannot say "white people have mental illness," but they can say "gay people have mental illness."…

Yet another noob

Hey, all. I’m a progressive, cis-het, White guy. 3rd generation colonist living in the Haldiman Tract lands along the Grand River in Ontario. I’m into dogs, canoes, motorcycles and my VW GTi. I’ve been on Mastodon since Elmo bought Twitter.

Tonight I thought I’d check out Friendica, and here I am. Looking for new friends.

in reply to Doug Nix

Nice to meet you Doug. Hopefully we can find this a new home after the trash fire that corporate social media is becoming.


Been rewatching Battlestar Galactica. So hard to believe that it is 20 years old. Frankly it has aged very well. Tonight's episode is Crossroads PT2, which was the highest rated of the series.

Bookface Dark Version 4

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Kristi H.

@Kristi H. You're pretty much doing God's work and I'm happy that some servers are already adopting your stylesheet as an actual theme (see right now)

Edit: btw, can I add it to my Friendica megathread and to share the news about it just about everywhere online? 😁

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Cătă

@Cătă Share it far and wide! I was hoping other people would adapt it for server-side use. I'm happy other people like it!

The "Frio" theme is okay, but it looks a lot like FB from around 2010. I know some people will dismiss Friendica for looking old and outdated because of that (actually I've already seen comments to that effect).

I think Friendica needs a modern makeover to entice and retain new users. There is no official app, so the responsive layout needs to look like a decent social app in mobile browsers too.

Since I came here from FB myself I thought this redesign would make me feel more at home here, and it does. I've almost forgotten other people are not seeing it the same way I do.

in reply to Kristi H.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Kristi H.
Accidentally uploaded it as non-public. Should be fixed now, but may take time to propagate given the "worker" problem on this server right now.

Bookface Light Version 4

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The Lumineers - Ophelia

The Lumineers - Ophelia…

Sunday SUNday SUNDAY

So, #tik-tok ban goes into effect on Sunday in the US. Red Note has had a huge uptick in TT refugees and Loops and Pixelfed are also both increasing in user population. Curious to see just what happens that day.

Me voilà sur Friendica!

Voilà un autre pas dans la direction opposée des grands réseaux sociaux privés, dans le but cette fois de me débarasser de Facebook.

- Je me suis déjà débarassé de Reddit (Maintenant sur Lemmy)
- Puis de Twitter/X (Maintenant sur Mastodon -
- Je suis en cours de migrer mon compte Instagram (Sera sur Pixelfed. -
- WhatsApp aussi (Maintenant sur Signal - avec mon numéro de tel)
- Et enfin Facebook (Maintenant ici sur Friendica. -

Tous ces réseaux sont fédérés et peuvent communiquer entre eux grâce au protocole Activitypub. C'est assez génial. J'ai hâte de retrouver famille, parenté et et amis ici bientôt. Je suis très optimiste que ça va arriver éventuellement.

in reply to Stéphane Tremblay

Ah good eye! The link points to, but since almost every other account is on a *.social I made that mistake haha.
Thanks for pointing it out!

@Alec Mento well, full circle, you're my first contact on this social media platform.


Menurut saya orang orang di dunia sekarang ini sudah membutuhkan bahasa baru yaitu bahasa internasional, bahasa inggris itu bahasa kolonial saxon


Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokaatuh
Hai, nama saya pite / pitty, saya baru di friendica, saya masuk sini karena penasaran aja, kayak apa yang namanya friendica itu yang katanya seperti Facebook, ya karena saya sudah bosan di facebook karena ya begitulah Facebook penuh permasalahan, ya sudah sekian perkenalan singkat dari saya, kalau kurang lengkap, ya saya memang tidak mau melengkapinya akhir kata ihdinassiroothol mustaqim, wallahul muwafiq ilaa aqwamitthoriq wal afwu minkum, wa billahi taufik wal hidayah warridho wal inayah tsummassalaamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokaatuh.
in reply to Pite

Facebook itu di buat memang untuk bikin masalah, karena itu Facebook itu ya salah satu dari masalah itu sendiri

TW: medical bs

I was almost in an accident about 10 mins ago (their fault) and now I have a pounding headache, sketchy balance, drippy ears and nose (again) and a new bout of gi distress. This will all last a week or more. Living with a brain injury is no kind of life.

#fedicoven Q17 What rituals or magic would you recommend those facing their mortality?

I am not sure about a ritual as such, but sitting with Goddess in her crone aspect, prayers for enlightenment to Hekate or maybe some scrying in Selenite work for me.

Interestingly the first time I ever worshiped Hekate I was unemployed. A few weeks later I was in another country for a job interview and five weeks after that my whole life and career changed for the better and I have never felt younger.

Sometimes facing mortality in the way I did back then can change the way you look at not just death, but also life.

in reply to Antonia Epona 🌒🌕🌘

"Microsoft is Steaming Over Valve" | Weekly News Roundup Stream

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

Question for friendica devs

Do you know if it is possible to implement a feature here where a user could upload their data from another platform (specifically Facebook) and get automatic "memories"-style posts (which they can choose whether or not to post) here on the anniversary dates of the old posts?

I think it would be a big selling point for people moving away from Meta to have such a feature. A lot of us spent the better part of 15 to 20 years there and don't want to lose everything.

in reply to j. Gavin Moore

I'm a web developer myself, and I don't think it would be too crazy of an ask, but I don't know anything about the format of a FB user data or post-history export.

This question was originally asked to me by @Julie (thanks!)

in reply to j. Gavin Moore

@j. Gavin Moore No Friendica dev myself, but damn, that would be cool. This is exactly what Pixelfed is doing with Instagram.


If you go to Settings>Additional features>Network Widgets and enable the Archive one, you get the ability to view your timeline for a specific date in the past. If your profile is older than a year, you can also click on "on this date" to see what went in your feed exactly a year (i.e. 18.01.2024) before (or whichever specific date you selected.

If you also select Personal afterward, you can see all your interactions on the desired date. It also shows your likes tbh, but hey, it works!

Here's how it looks on my end

Also, you're much more likely to have the devs see if you post on !Friendica Support. I'm no dev myself.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

We have a strange democracy in America

Progressive and centrist Americans are apoplectic over of Trump's nominees, and the prospect that all (or almost all) will be confirmed. But this is how we do it. We elected Trump fair and square, and the president gets his cabinet. These hearings are not really a yes/no prospect most of the time. They serve a different purpose: To pave and shape the political arena that this presidency will operate in for the next few years. So the hearings are important, but they are not really there to decide who gets in each of these jobs.

#SeantHearings #Trump #Politics

Politics Feed reshared this.

Urgh. Should I maybe just stop using #touchscreen technology, until ... spring?

My fingers won't cooperate, and I accidentally … stuff. 😒

Or give those stylus things another go.
They're just one access point, though, so no "zooming", and the stylus tip ?dries out?
— and conveniently, I usually don't forget to bring my #fingers, but a stylus is easy to forget.

/has very #dry #winter #hands — I'm sorry for all the accidental 👎's

#finger #dryskin #winterhands

in reply to phle

@phle There are also some gloves that allow you to use the touchscreen too. I have a pair, and I can only use my pointer fingers with them, but they work brilliantly.

The alternative would be to sew a conductive wire yourself into an existing pair of gloves of yours, but for me, I found out that this option is more expensive and not worth the hassle.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Cătă

Oh, right!
I actually bought some some years ago. I've been using them enough for them to "give up", but I actually have a second pair (that I bought at the same time) laying around ... somewhere.

... it's just that it feels weird / seems silly to have outdoor gloves on indoors.
Then again, I wear work gloves indoors. Hm.

(Had to check them up: "glider gloves" ... bought them 2018. 🙈)


Just joined, any recommendations on who to follow?
in reply to fxomt

@fxomt That's because is quite new, lol. Back when I joined, mine was among the biggest and a few others like I don't know what ruud is doing, but whenever he starts a server for a new platform, it is doomed to boom. It's at least the 2nd time it happens after Lemmy.

Btw, to find and follow some accounts, follow hashtags, lists of popular accounts like this one, @FediFollows, browse the Friendica directory, or follow Flipboard accounts. If you can't find anything, you can also paste a website in the search bar and it will find it's RSS feed.


in reply to Cătă

@petrescatraian @chefcgn
Thanks for the shoutout 🙏

I also have a website at

Feditips: Verwendung von Web-Apps

Hallo zusammen,

wie so viele bin ich #neuhier und erkunde das fediverse mit friendica. Dafür habe ich keine optimale IOS App gefunden und mich sehr über den feditip zur Web-App gefreut. Wusste bisher nicht, dass dies ein Unterschied zu einem schnöden Lesezeichen ist. Da ich nicht in der Lage war den Original-Beitrag zu teilen, hier der Link für alle Neulinge.…