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So, anyway

Trying out Friendica. If all goes well will try to drag, uh, lure my friends off That Meta Site.
Here's the internet "cat" tax (she's a guinea pig, I have no cats right now):
in reply to Vancouvery

@vancouvery we'd like to refuse the tax paid in guinea pigs, but yours is so sweet we'll.make an exception :3

Watching for Gray Whales yesterday down Big Sur way with Evelia.

Sadly no Whales were sighted, but Damm, We're Cute...

Michael Kohlman reshared this.

I haven't seen this particular show, but I whole-heartedly agree with his assessment of the BBC. The modern version is an absolute mess! From terrible accents (including in the news), to spelling errors on their site. I love the old BBC, and am constantly collecting clips with RP from there and elsewhere, but I have no time for modern nonsense. There are some exceptions (David Attenborough immediately comes to mind), but they are few and far between. That said, modern television and radio is terrible almost everywhere.…

Bookface Template/Scheme for Friendica Frio Theme

reshared this

in reply to Frend

Both should be possible.
The patch will only be available with the next release.

@OldKid ⁂ @Kristi H.

in reply to Matthias

@Matthias Thanks for the link/patch... but it doesn't work on my test instance (develop branch).
in reply to Matthias

@Matthias muss ich morgen noch mal testen, jetzt pfelge ich erstmal meine Grippe weiter und schau mir das Handball WM Spiel Deutschland : Dänemark an
in reply to Matthias

@Matthias Danke

So jetzt funtzt der Patch auch bei mir ... war nen Addon von Firefox dran Schuld das es nicht funktioniert.
Ich hätte nur gerne den Attachment Button wieder, weil ich über den ja auch immer schon hochgeladen Attachments sehen konnte.

in reply to OldKid ⁂

Yes, I hid that button on purpose because file attachment (other than photos) is a partially-implemented/broken feature, as there is no interface for managing/deleting them, only listing them. And, yes, I'm aware of the irony of my having used that file attachment function in my OP above. But I'm annoyed I have no way to manage or delete any of the files I've uploaded, and other people I know who came from Facebook were confused by it. I think it's better to not present a semi-broken feature to new users, it just frustrates them. But I apologize for frustrating you in the process.


Hello, and Welcome to Images By MEK in The Fediverse:

Another federated medium: Bookwyrm

Here's a #federated service we don't often hear about: #Bookwyrm . If you are, well, a book worm, check out the #community at

Ready to quit X on Tuesday

Downloaded my data from #Twitter today (not entirely sure why; I'll probably delete it in a year). Already on #Mastodon at @Alfredo and on #Pixelfed at . Joining the crowd at on Tuesday.
in reply to leastaction

@leastaction @Alfredo I'm always downloading my data whenever I leave a platform. I mean, it's my entire history there. It's a pity to lose it like that in a snap.

Sunday Runday

A little chilly 🥶 on the Lakefront this morning! But we did it! ❤️ Love you ladies!!

TikTok starts restoring service in the U.S. after shutting down over divest-or-ban law… via @CBSNews

Lazy Sunday

First Post: Lazy Sunday day, got a ham in the slow cooker with some roasted veg in the oven while I work my way through the Star Trek Movies. The Undiscovered Country is next.

#startrek #slowsunday

in reply to colapunk

nee dus. andersom werkt wel, wat ik op mijn masto doe zie ik hier wel, wat ik hier doe zie ik daaro niet.
in reply to colapunk

dat heeft te maken met een issue die we nu hebben. Wordt aan gewerkt. (Moet normaal dus wel werken)

and then Ylvis' The Cabin came to mind ...

"You know there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad kleather."

#Ylvis #TheCabin #TVNorge #English #Norway #video #YouTube #song #music #hytte #cabin #kleather

Music Feed reshared this.

in reply to phle

@Wilhelmina58 Heb vandaag trouwens ook afscheid genomen van Twitter. Wil morgen voor zijn en dat zullen er vast wel meer gedacht hebben. Liefs, Nico
in reply to Nico Geelen

Twitter heb ik nooit gehad. Evenmin TikTok...Maar ben razend benieuwd hoe morgen eruit gaat zien. Denk dat het chaos wordt... Goed van je dat je van Twitter af bent! Dit is een manier van vreedzaam protesteren en mits dit mondiaal gebeurt, kan dit niet zonder gevolgen zijn. Deze media zijn een onderdeel van de macht van Trump en consorten. Elk klein beetje wat we ze kunnen afnemen , is weer iets! Niets doen is geen optie. Liefs terug ❤

Musing about Tik Tok

It seems like an absurd joke to me that Tik Tok shut themselves down, practically begging for Vice President Trump's help. Now it seems it's back up and they thank the incoming VP.

I think this post over at Mastodon nailed it.

Halyihev reshared this.

Just told my girlfriend about the fediverse. I think I lost her a bit when I started enumerating all the services I can use here.
I got her back when we discussed how to utilize this for smaller groups to get out of Silicon Hell Valleys grip
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Peter Sørensen
Thats a good point! I guess I just got kinda excited when I discovered all the possibilities, that I didn't recognize when to stop 😀
I think that the use of those three, you mention, should help alot of people feel more at home here


I'm new here. Anyone else around here who likes patchwork/quilting, pottery, reading and gardening?

Jan 19
View public calendar Appointment
Sun 7:15 PM
If you can see ist: *yeah*
if not: *wth*


phle attends maybe.

in reply to DoSe

*yeah* (can see your public calendar appointment: yes 👍)
in reply to DoSe

@DoSe Can't see it 🙁

Here's what you need to doJust kidding, I couldn't comment if I couldn't see it, haha