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Listen carefully what Bernie has to say!

Bernie Sanders: I attended Trump's inauguration yesterday. Here are my thoughts……


We zijn nu werkelijk wederom in een Trumpiaanse werkelijkheid beland, waarin feiten geen enkele waarde meer hebben....…

I'm here!

Hello. Not sure if you're already here, or if my Facebook post has inspired you to set up an account. Either way, I assume it's a pleasure to meet you. Guess this is sort of an experiment, no idea if anyone will join me here, but here's hoping.

[EDIT] Oh yeah... took me a while to realise I'd originally posted this as a "Personal Note" that nobody could see. Turns out it needs to be a... uh, some other type of note. You can set it to be visible to everyone, or just to your followers.

in reply to Nick K

Im here too. So its not anything like following or friending like you do on Facebook?
in reply to Pete Hack

Yeah I think you need to follow me for stuff I post to show up. I've just gone and followed you. There's a lot of options and menus and stuff, and I don't quite get them all just yet.

So... it *looks* like you sort of follow everyone on this Friendica server by default. There's a seperate link to just see friends posts, but there's only two of you on here at the moment so it's empty for me.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)

If we don't tell our friends, they won't come

And we may need to help people once they get here. The fediverse is intimidating, but it might be our only hope as billionaires drop a knee to #DonOld one by one.

Of the fediverse apps I've tried, friendica is the most like facebook

Recommend your favorite friendica server and help get them on it!

#friendica #fediverse #facebook #WeHaveToDoSomething

Social Media Feed reshared this.

in reply to Kingbeard

This is the only server I have found with active users. I found it on the directory and picked it because it had the most users. Says we are up to 871 users today.
in reply to effariwhy

same as me. But 870 users is absolutely tiny compared to FBs 3 billion.
My problem is finding groups, especially ones in which I have an interest.
Hopefully it will grow 😀

Hello Worldfriends

As a fresh Friendica user, I started with a short message in my mother-tongue Dutch.
There are not many who speak this language, so: English is fine for me too.
I am Wilma, born and raised Dutch and I have many interests. From archaeology to zen gardens and a lot in between.
I am here because I turned my back to Fb ect... And with that also to almost all my friends over there. Some of their reactions hurt me, evidently many people are stuck in old habits, and don't dare to change...So I have to start over again, who dares to meet an old crazy black cat-lady ? 😆 🐈‍⬛

Fediverse question (Techies?)

Is there a way I can integrate my Mastodon Account with my Friendica account so I only need one login for both instead of two separate accounts? TIA
in reply to Pamela1960

The admin and mods of have been trying to find a unified login for all Fediverse accounts, so far without success...but watch this space 👍

Back to the gym

First visit to the gym today for several months: a biceps tendon injury had rather interrupted my training plans. I think it's more or less back to normal now, but only one biceps exercise today, and with the lowest weight available, just to be on the safe side.

And pretty low weights on most of everything else too, after taking such a long break. Let's see how much everything aches tomorrow.

Nice thing about going back to the gym today rather than a couple of weeks ago is that most of the resolutioners have given up by this far into the new year, so the gym was nice and quiet.


Квантовые датчики движения: шаг к точной навигации без GPS

Привет! Где же мой кубит?

Nobody needs to get married
not everyone needs to have kids
the world would be a very crowded place
if we all did

Hi, there!

This is my very first post on Friendica. Like many of you, I am looking for an alternative to Facebook, and I hope this is it.
I am a 70 year old man, born in the Midwest (Iowa) but living in Prague, Czech Republic for more than a quarter century. Married with two nearly adult children. I write poetry and a lot of my posts here will be just that.
I also comment frequently on politics, where I would label myself as a very reasonable, middle of the road kind of guy, but in today's political climate most would label me a screaming left wing lunatic. Nations and religions are only sources of conflict and should not exist. It's a wealthy world and nobody should have to live in poverty. Education should be free and unlimited and cars and guns are horrible things that kill people. I smoke a shitload of weed and watch way too much TV.


I am trying to break away from mainstream social media platforms and find new places to socialize. I was not previously aware of the Fediverse and decentralized platforms, but I am glad to discover it now. I am an artist and art historian in the United States. I haven't been able to create much artwork as of recently as I am busy with obligations, but I hope to get back to it soon. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to meet new people on here!
in reply to Kenziekenz

brand new here, this is my very first comment. I live in Prague and write poetry. Pleased to meet you all.

Via rechter, krant en lobby proberen boeren de transparante overheid uit te hollen · Follow the Money…

Zie anders eventueel onderstaande link:

in reply to Nico Geelen

Ik gebruik Opera, zal eens uitpluizen hoe ik het artikel tóch kan lezen... Dankjewel in ieder geval!

No One is Coming to Save Us - We Are Already Here

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
I feel you. I struggle with it too. But getting in community and making a difference definitely helps make an impact on our ability to have hope.
in reply to kyle

It is so hard to not lose hope and yet, us losing hope and motivation is how they win - how they have been winning.

Find groups

Hi, is it possible to see which groups exist or at least search for them with a keyword? If I wanted to start a group how would I go about it?

!New To Friendica

New To Friendica reshared this.

in reply to Ruud


On the directory above when clicking "follow" i get only "page not found"

@newtofriendica @jalanchee

New To Friendica reshared this.

in reply to Yeayea

Hmm I see that too.. I'll ask the developers.

New To Friendica reshared this.

A dimensionless night

A dimensionless night

How Software Companies Die - By Orson Scott Card