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Yay!!! I didn't realise this! has content filters enabled! This is fantastic! Now, I can add the political and other annoying words to it, and, with luck, I won't see such posts again!

#ContentFilter #Friendica #happy #NoPolitics

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in reply to Georgiana Brummell

These are the words I've included, minus the obscenities. I didn't want to include things such as revolution, class, or resistance, because I might miss things about records spinning at 33 revolutions per minute, or baking class, or the resistance of a key as you press it. But if I am missing any, please let me know. Most of these are geared toward the political left, but rest assured, if I saw lots of post from the extreme right, I would definitely add their vocabulary, too. Fortunately, I haven't seen them. I also only saw one religious person, and he was at least respectful.

ableism, anti-capitalism, anarchism, anarchist, anarchists, anarchy, billionheir, billionheirs, capitalist, capitalists, Democrat, Democrats, fascism, fascist, fascists, immigrants, oppressed, oppression, oppressor, oppressers, patriarchy, politics, proletariat, Republican, Republicans, rights, socialism, socialist, socialists, Trump, white privilege, union, unions

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

sigh It's not working. At least, not on TweeseCake. I keep seeing all of this rot in my home timeline! This is beyond annoying! Fortunately, I hardly ever see it in my Notifications timeline. I was so happy when I saw the filters. It hought they would work.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I guess your browser expands all posts?

The comment where you listed all the words that you block got collapsed for me:
in my case, I got a "Filtered word: Trump", directly followed by a "Reveal/hide" toggle button.

Unfortunately, I haven't found an option to completely remove specific postings - only "completely block/ignore this profile", which is also a one-at-a-time thingie ...

in reply to phle

Hm, @Ruud, do you know if there is such an Addon available, and would it be possible to add it to in that case?
in reply to phle

Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Georgiana Brummell This really sounds like filters are purely cosmetic on Friendica and built into the frontend, so if you use a different frontend, it bypasses the filters. I mean, NSFW is of course built into the frontend, but I'm surprised about the actual filters.

I would have expected Friendica's filters to reject filtered posts, i.e. if you're the only one on your node who would receive a post or comment, but you filter it out, the entire node rejects it. That's how filters work on Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte.

Anyway, I could suggest you a whole number of keywords that I use as hashtags in my posts and comments, so you're spared both from my Fediverse posts and from my virtual worlds posts. But there's a bit of a risk of "false positives", especially when I post about image descriptions.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Filters

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Instead of trying to block posts you could turn things around by creating a channel or multiple channels that allows content that you want to see. Go to Settings/Channel and then 'Add new entry to the channel list'. Now you can create a new channel that e.g include tags, excludes tags, from another channel or a certain circle and so on. This is pretty neat to fine tune your stream. As an example I created a Dutch channel (see image). It's not bullet proof but together with blocking certain persons or organizations it gets me pretty far.

However I'm not sure if TweeseCake does support this.

in reply to Greenpepper

image description:
screenshot of channel, showing only content in Dutch
in reply to phle

Thanks, I wasn't sure how to add an image desciption in Friendica but found out it can be done in BBcode.

I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has had enough of the politics. So let's start something where we can get away from them. Just write #NoPolitics (capital n, capital p for my blind friends), and either place it somewhere in your profile to indicate that you will rarely, if ever, post about them so that those of us who want to avoid them can follow you, or add to the fun by posting something light-hearted and enjoyable. It can be anything, as long as it's not turned into something political.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Ironically, you've connected to me first. My channel has only got two topics. The primary topic is a certain kind of 3-D virtual worlds, the secondary topic is the Fediverse beyond Mastodon, although this may include accessibility topics. Since this is not my personal, all-round channel, I don't post about anything else.

I'm working on a series of posts that will touch male fashion. But they'll touch male fashion in the above-mentioned virtual worlds, I'll post them on a dedicated (streams) channel, and this Hubzilla channel will only forward them. Also, expect each one to have both a summary and a spoiler tag for those who are easily triggered by even the slightest eye contact.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@Jupiter Rowland I'm actually interested in the Fediverse beyond Mastodon. That's not what I meant by constantly posting about technology. I would also love to experience a virtual world, but I don't know of any that are accessible. That said, many other games are, both text-based and audio, and now, some mainstream ones as well.

Linda Duval doesn't like this.

in reply to Linda Duval

@lindaduval @lindaduval My sincere apologies. I always try to be gentle with non-native speakers. I must say, other than that tiny mistake, you write so well that I would never have guessed that English wasn't your first language! I am equal whether I subscribe to all of that or not. I don't need to be radical or to change the language in order to love myself, or to strive for the best, or to demand to be treated equally. I simply need to be, and I am.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Your preferences are yours and you choose what you prefer. However, we live in a society where it is important to be aware where language can be detrimental to women.

The difference can be simply felt in how much you get paid compared to a man in the same role. Please search "gender pay gap" and you will find that in the legal industry, for example, men can earn as much as 59% more than a woman in the same role.

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in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I don't know friend I a as client but usually there are a lot of filter settings that prevent your time line being overcrowded with stuff you are not interested in. My personsl feed contains only massages/posts from people or institutions I follow. I'm using Tusky for Android.
Unfortunately or fortunately I never used FB and I don't know how exactly they organized their feed.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to junglecat_rant🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦

@junglecat_rant 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦 I'm using TweeseCake. There are different timelines, but the problems still persist. Granted, I can narrow things a bit by not reading the Federated Timeline and reading Home and Notifications, but it's still scattered and I still see various conversations. I know Friendica has circles, but I've never really delved into those. As for Facebook, I use the Basic Mobile site (not app), which was very accessible and uncluttered. Their main page is a mess, and since they shut down the Basic Mobile version, I haven't really posted there.

As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.

#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology

After several hours, I have managed to go through every contact's profile, unfollow all of the political ones and ones that didn't really post content that interested me, , and ensure that the ones I really like are set to show all posts. Now, my feeds look wonderful and are much quieter!

#Friendica #friends #NoPolitics #nopolitics

Unknown parent

@Meg I would absolutely love to know how to block specific words and phrases! I have looked all over the site and I couldn't find any way to do this. I also couldn't find anything in TweeseCake itself. @Fedi.Tips Can you please help? Is this possible? I had to unfollow several otherwise wonderful people over this.

#blind #blocking #Friendica #moderation #Tweesecake #TweeseCake

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

this may not be totally useful, but since you posted here you are obviously adept at novel internet things 😊 so I just thought I'd add that I have always found excellent music tutorials of all sorts on #SoulSeek
in reply to Avalon Jazz

@Avalon Jazz Thank you. I sincerely appreciate it. But these are most likely quite modern, so aren't what I am seeking. But they can probably be of great use to others.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Georgiana Brummell
You're very welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

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I can't believe I didn't post this earlier! Anyway, here is a Dreamwidth entry of mine containing all sorts of links related to dandyism, including an entire section on Beau Brummell. As you can tell, this is another one of my great passions.…

In case you missed it, this one is devoted to fashion itself.…

#antiquemensware #BeauBrummell #books #British #clothing #dandies #dandyism #Dreamwidth #Edwardian #fashion #history #mensware #Regency #suits #Victorian

Those who love antique fashions will enjoy this. It is a compilation of links related to Regency and Edwardian mensware. If you have any to add or wish to make any suggestions, please do so.

How Fashionable!……

#antiquemensware #clothing #dapper #Edwardian #fashion #history #Regency #suits