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Jobs almost caught up on

The jobs are being processed faster, now doing 120k jobs per day. There are 78k jobs remaining.

There were around 150k jobs for Jan 11th, it's almost through those. After that, there are only 4k jobs per day on average, meaning it will start processing a day every hour. I estimate it will start doing that around 1 or 2 pm CET today, so expect a lot of notifications start coming in after that. It should be all up-to-date around midnight (CET).

in reply to Ruud

Good good!

My plan is to do "clean-up, for moving" from 1 february, and then "close-up" on 1 mars, over on Facebook,
with the clean-up part including introducing those who are willing to the federated part of online social interactions
(and yes, I had notifications from a week back waiting for me here 😅).

re Pronouns

Never before in history
has anyone been able to be
a she if he was born a he
or the other way around
we find ourselves, linguistically
upon uncharted ground
As to pronouns, you can choose
whichever one you want to use
but make up new ones, I'll refuse
because they aren't there
(if you want to use them among yourselves
then I don't really care)

don't like this

in reply to williewatson

Try to use empathy in your next poem. You might find your world opening up to kindness, it will expand and will become richer.
in reply to Linda Duval

I write on many different topics. If you hate me for the one above, I am sure you'll find some at this site you will like.

Charlotte coming up for the pint.

Taken from the window of Semaphore RSL, overlooking the Semaphore Street Market below.

Get hungry in the night, did you Mindy?

26/11/16 - Our cat, Mindy, was a stone-cold killer. We would regularly get up to find parts of rodents or skinks in the bathroom. Just like in this picture. Mindy's old now, and stays out of the way in the shed, away from the dogs, who get on her tits.

- off to schoolies.

25/11/16 - A picture of Lily, pillow in hand, leaving for Schoolies. For those not familiar with this Australian cultural milestone, Schoolies is when the 18 year olds who are about to leave school, go to a (usually) seaside town and wreak havoc, get pregnant, take drugs, drink until they are sick etc.

As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.

#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology

After several hours, I have managed to go through every contact's profile, unfollow all of the political ones and ones that didn't really post content that interested me, , and ensure that the ones I really like are set to show all posts. Now, my feeds look wonderful and are much quieter!

#Friendica #friends #NoPolitics #nopolitics


stop giving democrats your time, energy, or hope.

anticapitalism is the only way we can survive. the only remaining question is how.

But first, we need millions more people to abandon their support for democrats and all their crimes, genocide chief among them.

Marches John reshared this.

in reply to pataphysician

They are all scared of him and his suited hoodlums who wreak vengeance om his behalf

Well, this is a thing

Is it a useful thing?

I don’t know. Nor do I remember anything I may have known about the underlying tech… but it’s a thing, alright…

My First Post

Hi everyone, I'm Faustus (not really, but you know how it goes). I finally deactivated FB and am exploring federated alternatives.

At this point, I'm looking for cool, funny, and smart people to connect with. And while I agree that there's a lot going on to be angry about, I find constant shouting into the void to be wearisome. We can be friends if you think the world is full of nuance and disagree with someone thoughtfully.

Ingepland bericht

Testen van het plannen van een bericht. Is natuurlijk wel belangrijk om te zorgen dat je tijdsinstelling op juiste tijdzone staat. Die van mij is Europe/Amsterdam.

Dit bericht zou maandag 13 januari om 9 uur moeten verschijnen.

in reply to marguerite

Dat is helaas niet gelukt 😁 Maar vanaf morgen zou alles moeten werken zoals bedoeld

Zwaar onder de indruk van de ritmische complexiteit van dit stuk!

Tyn Wybenga componeerde deze vette mix van jazz en Dilla-ritmes door zijn orkest eerst te laten improviseren, daar samples van te maken, die zwaar te bewerken, daar een compositie van te maken, en daarna zijn orkest die samples weer na te laten spelen.

Yep, dan krijg je iets vernieuwends.…

CW: Question about US Pol
Is subscribing a certain government e-mail address to several random newsletters out there considered a felony? Asking for a friend... 😏

Introductie: Martijn van 123NZ

My Thoughts for Today

I am seeing so many people on here who are migrating from other social media platforms because of recent stuff and things, and I think it is so interesting (meaning cool) we are all doing it simultaneously. I love how we are learning this stuff together at the same time. If that makes any sense.
in reply to Ken

Already been slandered on here by someone who slandered me on Mastodon and I had to block
in reply to Ken

Well dang! I'm sorry to hear that. It's a good thing you blocked them.

Next time you see #aislop on #Facebook that exploits #christian #iconography, send this in the comments if that icon is #Jesus (which it probably is).
in reply to Sheila DeBonis

Ironically, these comics were indeed made via Dalle, but I (or another ambitious artist) may create them out of real art one day. The sequel comic is quite messy and really deserves a remake. I'm not sure why Fatima and some abrahamic prophets are wearing glasses when I don't know if they were invented yet during their lives.

in reply to Lola Darling

People mention MeWe a lot these days, and I tried it a few years ago. The interface was good but it attracted a lot of alt-right users when Twitter and FB actually moderated posts. I didn't stick around long, so I can't speak for the vibe now.

Bookface Repo

Rather than posting code or file attachments on Friendica, I set up a GitLab repository for the "Bookface" theme project. All my future updates will be here:…

Please direct dev talk about it to the (now actually existing) @Pygoscelis Papua account.

reshared this

I think what I need to do is figure out how to separate this from #mastodon as I don't need to read the same posts twice. I really want to reach out and interact with people who are on #friendica vs crossposting. Anyone with any insights on how to maximize this experience and make it different would be appreciated.
in reply to HollerPixie

I'm also very new and wondering what it's all about, so I don't have any advice.
in reply to John Dziak

@John Dziak I have found a button that lets you see “local” accounts, which would be Friendica. That has helped a bunch. I have started interacting more with those vs the ones that are purely cross posting from other platforms.
in reply to HollerPixie

I think getting a separate mastodon account is the answer. You're using the friendica account here as well, and the whole thing is federated / talks to each other.

Trying to figure out how to navigate this space.

Clearly new here. Trying to find an alternative for my doom scrolling. Don't want to give any more air to meta.
in reply to BrainBird

Me too, You're welcome to test and practise with me if you want. Hit me with anything. have you discovered how to make a group?

Sunday Coffee & Tunes 19/01/2025

A novelty one today. Yamaha Sessions 3 from 1981. A promo record released by Yamaha Stuidos Japan to demonstrate the Yamaha GS-1 synthesizer. Featuring keyboardist Keiko Doi from the all female synthesizer trio Cosmos, some funky bass lines, cool drum breaks, pretty amazing 80s session photos on the cover, and adorable liner notes its a fun bargin bin pick up.

#records #Japan #synthesizer #vinyl #music #coffeeandvinyl #nowplaying #nowspinning