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Progress is Made

I got so used to almost never posting on FB that I realized I need a schedule for posts here. I am closing in on being able to send Bound in Smoke to my editor. It's been a long time coming.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Completely Unnecessary Raspberry Pi Video Game Console Idea

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
That Guy
I'll have to check around, cool to know.

Garden bird count

In my country, once in a while , is a counting of birds, butterflies, bees, life in common in our environment , mapping the diversity and numbers.
This weekend we are counting garden birds. They are declining every single year, sparrows, blue tits, blackbirds ect. Looking at my neighbourhood, it's almost logical. No green gardens, only grey concrete tiles. And to color it a bit, plastic grass. Our garden is a
thorn in the side of many direct neighbours. But we have hedgehogs, birds, insects, and also stray cats who find a shelter and cat food in our garden too. Change starts with ourselves. Some pic's from my 50 m² small garden... Hope you like it!
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Note, we don't use these plastic nets anymore.These are older pics.
in reply to Wilhelmina58

I even do some gardening on my two big balconies and we get lots of birds, squirrels, and sometimes, unfortunately, even mice who climb to the sixth floor... And we have bird counting hour, too.
in reply to Petra

Mice are real opportunists! But climbing tot the sixth floor.... Wow, comparing to humans, we had to climb hundreds of metres to get a little food.... Mice might be annoying, but we can't say they lack courage!
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Good to hear you've got bird counting too! Any little bit of conserving nature , are little steps towards healing it. It's more necessary than ever!
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Yeah, and I only got rid of them when I took them to a place 2 or 3 kilometres away. If you take them to a nearby park they'll find their way back! We thought we had lots of mice, but in the end there were only two who stayed away once we brought them far enough away! They're cute little things and if I could be certain they'd stay outside I might let them stay.
in reply to Petra

The problem with mice is their, let's say; reproduction. One couple can give to 60 babies a year. And those babies are already be able to get babies at 6 weeks! But we have animal-friendly traps and remove them to a small dog park near our house... Lots of grass, shrubs ect to hide..Killing is no option for me, prefer to let nature do that 'job'... !
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Oh, lovely! We tend to get crows at our house but what we count is the snails. They're surprisingly adventurous. We've had snails all the way up to the rafters at times.
in reply to Petra

Ohwww, yes! All the members of the crows are so much fun. Jackdaws, magpies, ravens, jays... Think these are the birds who will survive the longest...

So: i love them too!

in reply to MeyariMcFarland

Don't talk about snails!!!! All my herbs, vegetables, flower saplings... All finished in no time...
in reply to Wilhelmina58

So many blueberries munched. So many herbs, too. Unfortunately they're a fact of life here so I just observe them and try to keep them away as best I can. Marigolds actually help a lot, surprisingly.
in reply to MeyariMcFarland

Marigolds! good to know, I discovered that strong tasting herbs like thyme, rosemary, peppermint, lemon balm and lemongrass were left for what they are! Apparently no food for snails, but they didn't keep the snails for eating all the others....Tried everything, coffee grounds, crushed eggshells, black pepper... Think they LOL at us, those little bastards!😆

while true { console.log("Hello world"); }

Hello, I'm brand new here! Exploring this site as a Facebook alternative as I have not been able to use Facebook for a long time due to the very poor quality of content, and with Meta's clear bias and pushes it's only due to get worse.

I don't have much to say other than if you're reading this, I hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend. 🙂

in reply to VolFan

Welcome....this is only my 2nd day....but so far everything has been kinder, truer, and way less commercial....

in reply to VolFan

We make our colors red and blue....and we raise a ballyhoo...


Little oopsie with the nginx certificates while setting up a blog.. 😀

Goodreads Alternative

Those looking for a Goodreads alternative, check out #BookWrym, it's a federated book tracking site.


#Books #Reading

If amounts of federated contacts take a week to arrive, it's a bit like reading the news from the archive CD.
in reply to DoSe

Hope that after today this issue is gone..
in reply to Ruud

@Ruud The problem that the Fediverse has to deal with is sometimes more, sometimes less pronounced. I don't think it's a bad thing, but it does sometimes have an effect on the mood. :|
Thanks for your commitment to this great project. ❤

The EU Revolutionizes Access to Health Data: A Giant Leap Towards a Borderless Medical Europe

Jobs almost caught up on

The jobs are being processed faster, now doing 120k jobs per day. There are 78k jobs remaining.

There were around 150k jobs for Jan 11th, it's almost through those. After that, there are only 4k jobs per day on average, meaning it will start processing a day every hour. I estimate it will start doing that around 1 or 2 pm CET today, so expect a lot of notifications start coming in after that. It should be all up-to-date around midnight (CET).

in reply to Ruud

Good good!

My plan is to do "clean-up, for moving" from 1 february, and then "close-up" on 1 mars, over on Facebook,
with the clean-up part including introducing those who are willing to the federated part of online social interactions
(and yes, I had notifications from a week back waiting for me here 😅).

re Pronouns

Never before in history
has anyone been able to be
a she if he was born a he
or the other way around
we find ourselves, linguistically
upon uncharted ground
As to pronouns, you can choose
whichever one you want to use
but make up new ones, I'll refuse
because they aren't there
(if you want to use them among yourselves
then I don't really care)

don't like this

in reply to williewatson

Try to use empathy in your next poem. You might find your world opening up to kindness, it will expand and will become richer.
in reply to Linda Duval

I write on many different topics. If you hate me for the one above, I am sure you'll find some at this site you will like.

Charlotte coming up for the pint.

Taken from the window of Semaphore RSL, overlooking the Semaphore Street Market below.

Get hungry in the night, did you Mindy?

26/11/16 - Our cat, Mindy, was a stone-cold killer. We would regularly get up to find parts of rodents or skinks in the bathroom. Just like in this picture. Mindy's old now, and stays out of the way in the shed, away from the dogs, who get on her tits.

- off to schoolies.

25/11/16 - A picture of Lily, pillow in hand, leaving for Schoolies. For those not familiar with this Australian cultural milestone, Schoolies is when the 18 year olds who are about to leave school, go to a (usually) seaside town and wreak havoc, get pregnant, take drugs, drink until they are sick etc.

As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.

#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology

After several hours, I have managed to go through every contact's profile, unfollow all of the political ones and ones that didn't really post content that interested me, , and ensure that the ones I really like are set to show all posts. Now, my feeds look wonderful and are much quieter!

#Friendica #friends #NoPolitics #nopolitics